Settlement Information

A settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit concerning Suncoast Skin Solutions, Inc. (“Defendant”) and a security breach of its IT system (the “Data Security Incident”) that Defendant discovered on approximately July 14, 2021, when an unauthorized party accessed or potentially accessed information stored on Defendant’s computer system, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers (SSN), drivers’ license information, tax records, bank account and routing information, and other personally identifying information, as well as information used to process health insurance claims, prescription information, medical records and data, and other medical or protected health information. Suncoast denies the allegations and all liability or wrongdoing with respect to any and all facts and claims alleged in the lawsuit.

Who Is a Class Member?

The Class includes all individuals whose Personal Information was compromised as a result of the Data Incident discovered by Suncoast on approximately July 14, 2021.

Your Legal Rights and Options

Option and Deadline

Your Legal Rights

Submit a Claim

deadline passed

The only way to receive cash and other benefits from this Settlement is by submitting a valid and timely Claim Form.

You can submit your Claim Form online HERE or download the Claim Form HERE and mail it to the Settlement Administrator. You may also call or email the Settlement Administrator to receive a paper copy of the Claim Form.

Opt out of the settlement

deadline passed

You can choose to opt out of the Settlement and receive no benefits from the Settlement. This option allows you to sue, continue to sue, or be part of another lawsuit against the Defendant related to the legal claims resolved by this Settlement. You can elect to retain your own legal counsel at your own expense.

object to the settlement And/Or Attend A Hearing

deadline passed

If you do not opt out of the Settlement, you may object to it by writing to the Court about why you don’t like the Settlement. You may also ask the Court for permission to speak about your objection at the Final Approval Hearing. If you object, you may also file a claim for benefits.

Final approval hearing

October 1, 2024 at 2:00 PM E.T.

The Court is scheduled to hold a final approval hearing to decide whether to approve the Settlement, how much attorneys’ fees and costs to award to Settlement Class Counsel for representing the Settlement Class, and whether to award a service award payment to each Representative Plaintiff who brought this Action on behalf of the Settlement Class. If you are a Settlement Class Member, you or your attorney may ask permission to speak at the hearing at your own cost.

Do Nothing

no deadline

Unless you opt out of the settlement, you are part of the Settlement. If you do nothing, you will not get a payment from this Settlement and you will give up the right to sue, continue to sue, or be part of another lawsuit against the Defendant related to the legal claims resolved by this Settlement.

Dates and Deadlines

Claims Deadline

August 19, 2024

Exclusion Deadline

July 19, 2024

Objection Deadline

July 19, 2024

Final Approval Hearing

October 1, 2024